Saturday, 30 August 2014

Exercise Schedule for Losing Weight

It’s no medical secret that putting on weight beyond a certain limit can lead to serious health issues, something, you don't want to see coming upon you. Exercising, is as important a factor for losing weight, as much as keeping a check on your eating habit and changing the torpid lifestyle.
Where Should You Start?
You have already started, when you decided to read this article. The resolve to take up exercising is the first baby step that'll prepare you mentally to move on to the next stage — planning an exercise regimen. This in turn will go a long way in helping you hold on the continuity of your workout schedule, even when you have dropped a significant amount of weight.
Is Scheduling Exercise all That Important?
Scheduling workout or breaking it into sessions is less straining on your body, keeps you motivated and brings the mind and body in harmony, as against, starting off with high-spirits unplanned and unprepared and eventually ending up with dampened spirits.
How to Plan Your Exercise Schedule?
Given the fact that you’re a unique being with unique circumstances and requirements, as much as is true for anyone else, it goes without saying that your workout schedule too should be unique and make you say, “hey! It’s for me”.
Some important points below will provide the kick-start needed to come up with your own schedule:
·         Workout & work life balance: It is rightly said, “Health is wealth”, but that shouldn’t be a persuasive argument to extrapolate that exercise can have relatively more importance over your work life? The point is, do not allow your present reality, in this case, losing weight with exercise become the cause of an imbalance or clash between your exercise schedule and work life/family life.
·         Do cardios in the morning: Ideally, reserve cardio exercises for morning, because as research point, your body breaks down significant amount of fat when cardio is done on an empty stomach than after you have eaten.
·         Sneak in doses of exercise at workplace: Fitness trainers would love to give you this piece of advice. From eye rolling exercise to taking to staircase for leg exercise, all can be small but a great way of keeping you physically engaged and physically fit and active throughout the day.
·         Take a break: Taking rest between workouts is as important as your regular training workouts. Rest, allows your body to strengthen itself and recover from stress caused by exercise; thereby preparing your body for the next training session.

When can exercise schedule for weight loss become ineffective or even worse?
Keep the intensity of your workout mediocre, initially — it’s highly recommended. Because, when you exert more physically you lose considerable amount of calorie, and a natural response your body makes is to demand more calorie to recover the lost ones, pushing you to pig out on foods that might deteriorate your situation further; resulting in your body really not moving through much of a shift, at least not as fast as you would have liked it to. 

Therefore, having a proper exercise routine can play a crucial role in bringing down your weight and keep your health in sound condition, provided, it has been carved out wisely and executed.    

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